Stables is Now Conrad's

Shawn Barber of Stables Local Kitchen & Patio in Kearney announced the merging of his two restaurant brands. The new name in Kearney will be Conrad’s Local Kitchen & Patio.

Barber made the announcement on social media on Monday, August 21.

“With this merging of brands it allows us to focus on one name while streamlining our operations and focusing even more on our communities,” stated Barber on the Stables Grill Facebook page.

Stables and Conrad’s Alehouse in Liberty have been similar restaurants so Barber doesn’t believe the change will be shocking to Kearney patrons.

“These changes allow us to offer more things within our operation. We will be offering our Everyday Menu as well as a new Seasonal Menu. The Seasonal Menu allows us to bring expanded offerings in on a limited basis. Providing our customers more options with their dining experience,” said Barber.

The merger will also help Barber to market the brand to restaurant goers. Conrad’s will be completing the merger with some other changes this fall.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story