Excelsior Springs Pursue a House

Excelsior Springs Police were involved with a pursuit with a house on November 23 when a driver refused to stop for officers. The driver was towing a 70-foot house.

According to police, the driver 38-year-old Robert McKenzie was observed driving erratically and may have been intoxicated.

Police attempted to stop McKenzie including stop sticks but he continued to drive recklessly. He even drove all over the road and struck several cars during the pursuit. The pursuit finally came to an end when McKenzie misjudged a left turn and crashed into a culvert.

No one was injured in the incident and McKenzie was arrested after being subdued with a Taser. A passenger was detained without incident. McKenzie now faces several traffic violation charges as well as felony resisting arrest.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story