Liberty Police and Clay County Prosecutor Combat Shoplifting

The Liberty Police department has seen increases in shoplifting and organized retail thefts, especially along Kansas Street stores. They are teaming up with the Clay County Prosecutor’s Office to try to deter thefts this holiday season.

The police department will be increasing patrol staff and increasing their presence in the areas in which the thefts are happening. Officers will proactively patrol large shopping districts and work with store owners to assist in the prosecution of theives.

“Liberty is a safe place to shop, and we want to ensure it remains that way by using any and all available resources,” said Liberty Police Chief Jim Martin.

The Clay County Prosecutor’s Office will be taking the lead on prosecuting these cases.

“People should be able to go the store without fear of becoming a victim, and business owners should not have to be under constant threat from criminal activity,” said County Prosecutor Zachary Thompson. “These crimes hurt businesses, shoppers, and employees. I commend the Liberty Police Department for working hard to protect our community.”

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story