Drug Education Summit Coming to Kearney

The Clay County Sheriff’s Office is continuing its fight against fentanyl overdoses by hosting Community Drug Education Summits. The Sheriff’s Office has been putting on these Education Summits around the metro, and this month detectives will be at Kearney High School to talk about the uptick in overdoses related to fentanyl.

The Sheriff’s Office reports that counterfeit prescription pills made with Fentanyl are an increasing threat in Clay County. Deputies are continually investigating many of these cases involving the deaths and overdoses of teens and young adults.

This educational event is designed to teach parents, educators, community leaders, and residents the dangers of fentanyl and how to spot the signs of abuse. 

“In addition to detectives from the Sheriff’s Office’s Drug Squad, the summit will feature addiction prevention and treatment resources from community partners like Tri-County Mental Health and addiction treatment service providers,” states the program announcement. “After the presentation portion, attendees will be invited to meet with detectives, deputies and treatment providers to ask questions or get help one-on-one.”

The Community Drug Education Summit will take place at Kearney High School's auditorium, 715 E. 19th St., on Monday, February 28 at 6 pm. The event is free and open to the public.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story