Follow Santa on Christmas Eve

Santa Claus is getting his reindeer and sleigh ready for his big trip around the world to deliver presents to boys and girls on his list. Once again NORAD will be tracking his journey Christmas Eve.

For 67 years the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has been following Santa on his Christmas Even journey. Starting at 4 a.m. Eastern on Dec. 24, NORAD begins tracking Santa with updates from around the world.

The Command has been fielding calls since 1955, when Air Force Col. Harry Shoup — the commander on duty at NORAD’s predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command — fielded a call from a child who dialed a misprinted telephone number in a newspaper department store ad, thinking she was calling Santa.

A fast-thinking Shoup quickly assured his caller that he was. And the tradition began.

Click here to visit the NORAD Tracks Santa website. The official NORAD Tracks Santa app is available in the Apple App and Google Play stores. Tracking opportunities are also offered through social media on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, as well as on partner platforms Amazon Alexa and OnStar.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story