CIA Agents Have a Mission at Hawthorne

"CIA" in this case stands for Compassion In Action, and the agents are a select group of third-graders and fifth-graders who are stepping up to share kindness with their fellow students, teachers and support staff.


This team of students will be launching their new campaign for compassion with a special event when school starts at 8:25 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 8 at the school, which is located at 1815 S. Jefferson St. in Kearney, Mo. All members of the news media are invited and encouraged to attend.

Compassion in Action is sponsored by Hawthorne Elementary third-grade teacher Leslie Brennan. She developed the concept in 2019 to teach and encourage her students to demonstrate small acts of kindness to others. The program was put on hold in 2020 due to COVID-19, but Ms. Brennan is reviving it for the new school year.

"It is absolutely amazing and everyone loves it, especially parents!" Brennan said. "It is all about spreading compassion and kindness everywhere since we just do not know who could use a smile these days."

Students who join the Compassion In Action campaign will create encouraging posters and cheer on students and staff as they arrive for classes in the morning. They will also make greeting cards with affirmations that they will place for others to discover in lockers, shelves, under tables and even outside in the playground.

"It is so nice to know that we made at least one person smile for the day, and that is all that matters," Brennan said.

KPGZ News - Ray Weikal contributed to this story