Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative Announces Appointment to Board of Directors

Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative (PCEC) today announced the appointment of David Edwards of Gower, Missouri to its Board of Directors. The appointment fills a vacancy in the co-op’s North District (DeKalb, Clinton and Caldwell counties) created by the resignation of former Board President Debi Koechner in June.

David Edwards.jpeg

“We are proud to welcome David Edwards to Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative’s Board of Directors,” said Kendall Davis, PCEC Board President. “David’s impressive experience in business and technology will be an asset to the cooperative as we work toward strengthening cybersecurity measures.”

Edwards serves as Vice President of Business Development for a cybersecurity company and has over 30 years of business leadership experience across several industries including manufacturing, software and financial services.

“Cooperatives are community-led organizations, and I’m honored to have the opportunity to represent my fellow PCEC consumer-members on the Board of Directors,” said Edwards. “I look forward to representing DeKalb, Clinton and Caldwell counties as a North District Director.”

The appointment of Edwards by the Board of Directors follows an application and interview process that was opened to all members residing in the North District after the seat was vacated. The recently vacated South District seat will be filled utilizing the traditional voting procedures of the co-op’s annual election next spring due to the timing of the vacancy.

In 2019, cooperative consumer-members voted to give the Board of Directors the power to either hold a seat open until the time of the next membership election or appoint a director to serve the remainder of the term.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story