Kearney Senior Recognized by Representative Richey

Missouri House District 39 State Representative Doug Richey presented Kearney High School senior Tinley Killingsworth with a Youth Advocate Award on Wednesday, Feb. 28, at the Capital in Jefferson City.

Miss Killingsworth has been a member of the Youth With Vision (YWV) organization for the past five years and is the current Membership Chair. YWV is a student-led organization made up of students in grades 8-12 in Clay, Platte and Ray counties. They work to reduce teen substance use, promote wellness, and impact social policy to create resilient youth through education, intervention, and advocacy.

Killingsworth also received a Resolution from the State of Missouri recognizing her work as well as a United States flag that had been flown over the Capitol building.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story