District Hosts Levy Information Open House

The Kearney School District is hosting an open house on July 27, for residents who would like more information about the proposed levy increase.

The district is asking residents for support of school safety and staff through Prop S, a proposed 45-cent per $100 valuation property tax increase. The district anticipates that increase would give it a $2.2 million raise in revenue to support the initiative.

Proposition S will appear on the August 8 ballot. If it is approved, the additional revenue will be used to increase safety and security with additional School Resource Officers as well as increasing pay and benefits for district employees.

The district is hosting this open house to give residents the opportunity to interact one-on-one with districts leaders and gather more information about the Prop S ballot initiative.

The open house is Thursday, July 27, at 6 pm at the Kearney School District offices, 425 W. Washington Street, Kearney.

 More information is also available on the district’s website at ksdr1.net/PropS.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story