Platte Clay Electric Membership Election Open

Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative consumer-members can participate in the co-op’s election May 1-30 by voting online, by mail, or in person at the cooperative’s headquarters on June 1 at 5 pm. The business-only meeting will be held at 6 pm on June 1, at the cooperative’s headquarters in Kearney.

All members who vote in this year’s election will automatically be entered to win free energy bill credits. PCEC is giving away two $750 credits and a grand prize credit of $1,500. Prize winners will be drawn and announced the week following the annual business meeting on June 1. The drawing will not take place at the meeting and you do not need to be present to win.

Voting in PCEC’s 2023 Election is an easy, secure process managed by a third-party to ensure fairness. In order to access the ballot, you will need to know the following information, which can be found on your PCEC bill or through your online billing portal.

Voters will need to know their last name or business name, their member number, and location number.

People who would like to vote by mail instead of online please call (816) 635-0464 on or before May 15. Follow the voice prompt to leave your member information. Look for your ballot to arrive in the mail within a week. Fill out your co-op ballot and return to P.O. Box 1648, Jefferson City, MO 65102 by May 22.

KPGZ News - Platte Clay Electric Cooperative contributed to this story