Kearney Approves License Plate Reader Contract

The Board of Aldermen reluctantly approved a contract with Flock Group Inc. at the March 20 meeting for hardware, software, and services for license plate reader cameras in the amount of $74,900 for 24 months.

Police Chief O’Leary said that the cameras will provide a “hit” in real time as a vehicles with offending license plates enter the city.

“It’s a great investigative tool,” O’Leary said. “It provides a real time notification in the event a murder suspect drives into your town.”

Other examples that he cited included endangered or wanted persons, and stolen autos or license plates. The system will be able to notify on-duty patrol officers the description of the vehicle and where it entered the city limits.

Citizens contacted Aldermen with concerns such as “Big Brother” watching, hackers getting the information, and concerns with people being tracked whenever they enter or leave the city.

Chief O’Leary assured Aldermen that the technology focuses on the license plate and back of cars, not the occupants. He also told Aldermen that these readers are not a way to bring in money to the city. “This is about solving cases and putting bad people in jail,” said O’Leary.

License plate readers will placed at major entrances of the city.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story