Bulldogs Build Success at Job Olympics

A team of Kearney High School scholars proved that they’ve got the right stuff during the 2023 Northland Job Olympics on Friday, April 14 at Pleasant Valley Church in Liberty.

The KHS team included (from left to right in the picture above) River Cahill, Adalynne Worley, Riley Lisec, Lydia Bobadilla Torres, Nathan Freestone and Max Thene. They are coached by Life Skills teachers Lacy Vassmer and Ashley Weston.

Job Olympics is a competition for high school students centered on vocational simulations. The competition allows students to compete in events that showcase their individual employability skills. Community members to act as judges over the vocational events.

“I’m always inspired by these students because of their work ethic and focus,” Ms. Vassmer said. “This is an amazing experience for all of us and I’m very, very proud of them!”

Team Results

  • Adalynne Worley – third place for animal care

  • Nathan Freestone – first place for light assembly

  • Lydia Bobadilla Torres – first place for gift card stocking & first place for sorting mail.

  • Max Thene, River Cahill and Riley Lisec – ribbons for scoring high in all of their events

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story