Education Foundation Ready for Turkey Trot

The Kearney School District Education Foundation is ready for the popular Turkey Trot at the high school campus for the 12th year.

The 12th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot will take place on Thursday, November 23. Funds raised help provide scholarships for graduating students, teacher grants to expand opportunities within the classrooms, travel expenses for the cross country team, and many other important initiatives.

The commitment and partnership of local business with KSDEF is critical in funding initiatives for students across the district. Our success depends on participants and other community leaders.

The sponsorship form will provide participants with sponsorship options. All donations are tax deductible.

For more information, please email Participants’ contributions are truly appreciated by the KHS Cross Country Team and KSDEF. More information about the event can be found at

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story