KEC Acquires Third Vehicle

The Kearney Enrichment Council has acquired a third vehicle to transport senior citizens to programs. Although the shuttle bus needs some work before put into operation, the Enrichment Council is excited to have another mode of transportation to serve the community.

The Enrichment Council was able to make a deal with Summit Point Church in Independence to purchase the bus for $1,000. The pastor of Summit Point was kind and took $2,500 off the price so the Enrichment Council could afford the vehicle.

“However, it still needs some work,” said Executive Director Kurt Hamilton. “A new steering column, catalytic converter, and batteries are all going to be needed before it's going to be able to be put into action. We are hoping to raise $5,000 to cover the costs to just get it driving again.”

The Kearney Enrichment Council currently has one shuttle and one passenger van in service for transportation. Hamilton says seniors have a difficult time with the passenger van, so this bus will help them.

“Senior citizens cannot get into the passenger van very easily. So we really need a second vehicle for seniors as we are sometimes at capacity when we go out to pick them up for daily programming,” remarked Hamilton.

The second shuttle would help the Enrichment Council bring back day trips to the Senior Center.

“We have been to Strouds, movies, and even out petting alpacas! With how fast the Senior Center and youth programming is growing, we just need to be prepared for that growth, which is why a third vehicle is crucial to our operation.”

People who would like to donate to refurbish the Enrichment Council’s new shuttle bus can donate directly through their Facebook donation page, or in person at the Old Firehouse Community Center, 106 S. Jefferson St. in Kearney.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story