Voters Decide on Candidates and Issues

Kearney residents went to the polls on Tuesday, April 5, to vote on candidates for Alderman and School Board, as well as two fiscal questions. The following results have not been verified as official by the Clay County Board of Elections.

For Kearney Board of Aldermen, in Ward 1, Gerri Spencer ran unopposed and retained her position on the board. 

In Ward 2 David Lehman ran against former Alderman Marie Steiner to keep his position. Lehman won that race with 512 votes (66.75%). Steiner received 255 votes (33.25%).

There were two seats open on the Kearney School District Board, and seven individuals filed for the positions. Current member John Kern ran for re-election and won his seat with 1,355 votes (23.51%). Facing Kern was Len Broughton, Stacy Rule, Meredith Cole, Rocky Brock, Aaron Bowers, and Lydia Mack. The second seat was won by Meredith Cole with 1,189 votes (20.63%).

Residents also voted on Prop B, a $44 million bond issue for the Kearney School District. This measure passed with 2,012 votes (64.47%).

Residents in the Kearney Fire and Rescue Protection District were also asked about a $0.15 per $100 assessed valuation levy that will go for operation expenses. Voters approved the Fire District’s levy with 1,928 votes (67.08%).

In Holt, there were two open seats up for election on the Board of Alderman. Jeff Alley and Leon Clifford had the most votes in Clay County. 


Here are the unofficial results of the April 2022 election:

Kearney Board of Aldermen, Ward 1: 100% Reporting

Gerri Spencer – 612 votes, 100%  (W)


Kearney Board of Aldermen, Ward 2: 100% Reporting

David Lehman – 512 votes, 66.75% (W)

Marie Steiner – 255 votes, 33.25%


Kearney School District Board: 100% Reporting Clay County only - Clinton County results pending

Len Broughton – 981 votes, 17.02%

John Kern – 1,355 votes, 23.51%

Rocky Brock – 681 votes, 11.82%

Aaron Bowers – 191 votes, 3.31%

Stacy Rule – 1,122 votes, 19.47%

Meredith Cole – 1,189 votes, 20.63%

Lydia Mack – 244 votes, 4.23%


Kearney School District Proposition B: 100% Reporting

YES – 2,012 votes, 64.47% (P)

NO – 1,109 votes, 35.53%


Kearney Fire and Rescue Protection District: 100% Reporting

YES – 1,928 votes, 67.08% (P)

NO – 946 votes, 32.92%


Holt Board of Aldermen: 100% Reporting Clay County only - Clinton County results pending

James Misner – 11 votes, 10.78%

Pam Mick – 16 votes, 15.69%

Patti Pyne – 19 votes, 18.63%

Jeff Alley – 30 votes, 29.41%

Leon Clifford – 26 votes, 24.49%

KPGZ Election Desk contributed to this story