19th Street Interchange Moves Forward

Mayor Randy Pogue announced at the February 7 Board of Aldermen meeting that the bid for the 19th Street interchange was approved by the highway commission.

Pogue stated that Clarkson Construction was the low bidder on the Interstate Interchange project at $18,479,335.37, and the City has concurred with MoDOT in awarding them a contract. The anticipated start date is April 15th.

Mayor Pogue reported that, “the City’s current agreement with MoDOT projected the construction cost at just over $21million, so for now, no additional deposits are required, and there should be adequate funds in the construction account for potential change orders.”

The project will use concrete for paved areas which provides more flexibility in construction, and a longer life and durability over asphalt.

The city will also begin plans for a roundabout that will connect the interchange with Nation Road, and both projects are slated to be completed in the same time frame.

MoDOT’s projected substantial completion date is November 17, 2023, and final completion is May 15, 2024.

The city is planning an April ground breaking ceremony with the Kearney Chamber of Commerce and with MoDOT representatives to celebrate occasion.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story