Harp Receives Seven Years for Rape

The Clinton County Circuit Court sentenced 19 year-old Dylan Trop Harp of Kearney to seven years in prison for a rape he committed in 2019.

The incident happened when Harp was 16 years old and he was originally charged with Statutory Rape. He pled guilty to the amended charge of Rape in the Second Degree in December, 2021 in Clinton County Circuit Court. 

The State of Missouri recommended a sentence of 7 years in prison with a stay of execution for a period of 5 years, during which Harp would be placed on probation. However the Circuit Court sentenced him to the full seven years in prison instead.

Harp was incarcerated in the Clinton County jail after his bond was revoked for testing positive for a controlled substance. He will be transferred to the Missouri Department of Corrections to serve his sentence.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story