Platte-Clay Electric Mobilizing to Assist with Hurricane Recovery

Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative is sending a crew of four linemen and three trucks to assist with Hurricane Ida recovery efforts in southern Louisiana. The crew is part of a coordinated effort by the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives (AMEC) to respond to a call for help by Demco Electric Cooperative, located northwest of New Orleans.

“We believe it’s important for electric cooperatives to assist each other in times of need,” said Dave Deihl, CEO and General Manager of Platte-Clay Electric Cooperative. “Our employees have once again stepped up to the plate to take on the difficult task of restoring power to a heavily damaged community, just as others have done for us in the past when our cooperative faced extensive damage from natural disasters.”

Over 65% of Demco Electric’s consumer-members are without power due to the storm. The cooperative currently expects full restoration could take multiple weeks to complete.

Last year, Platte-Clay sent three crews to assist Beauregard Electric Cooperative, also in Louisiana, after Hurricane Laura made a direct impact on their system.

KPGZ News. -Brian Watts contributed to this story