Gas Prices Expected To Increase Through August

Triple-A reports that the national gas price average has increased 40% since January, and drivers can expect prices at the pump to increase as much as 20 cents per gallon through August. This year marks the highest prices in gasoline since 2014.


There’s no evidence of a gasoline shortage which would drive up prices, however Triple-A says demand and more expensive crude oil along with issues with OPEC are behind the rise in prices.

“Robust gasoline demand and more expensive crude oil prices are pushing gas prices higher,” said Jeanette McGee, AAA spokesperson. “We had hoped that global crude production increases would bring some relief at the pump this month, but weekend OPEC negotiations fell through with no agreement reached.

As a result, crude prices are set to surge to a seven year-high.”

Locally, gas prices went up this week 14-19 cents a gallon before relaxing slightly. The average price per gallon at Kearney gas stations is $2.74 per gallon. Gas stations in the Kansas City metro area have a wide range of prices from $2.66-$2.89 a gallon.

Triple-A says prices are expected to level off and possibly decline after Labor Day.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story