Bulldogs Claim Second Place in Girls District Soccer

In a game that came down to just one golden goal in overtime, the Bulldogs girls soccer team fell short of the win in the district championship against Platte County.

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The Kearney Bulldogs came to the stadium ready to play for the win Wednesday night against the Platte County Pirates. Kearney took the field with confidence moving the ball well as a team. Kearney’s defense in the first half was solid as they were able to keep up with Platte County’s forward, never allowing her the opportunity to get to the goal.

With just 2:26 left of the half, Kearney junior Mia Adkins sent through a perfect ball to senior Caysi Brown who slipped it past the Pirates’ keeper. 1-0 Bulldogs at the half.

Platte County came out with a fire lit under them to start the second half. Less than two minutes into the half, the Pirates were able to even up the score with a goal of their own. For the rest of the half, both teams played with everything they had. However when regulation time expired, both teams were teams tied 1-1.

In just a few minutes into the first overtime period, the Pirates were able to give one more push to the goal line scoring the game winning goal.

The Kearney Bulldogs claim second place in district play. Congratulations on a great season!

KPGZ Sports - Kim Adkins contributed to this story

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