Missouri Legislature Votes to Approve Gas Tax Increase

On Tuesday, May 11, the Missouri Legislature passed a bill that would increase the gas and diesel tax for consumers. This is the first time in almost 25 years the state has seen a tax increase on fuel.


The Missouri House of Representatives voted 104-52 in favor of increasing the fuel tax yearly to 12.5 cents after a period of five years. The bill also includes a provision to drivers apply for a rebate if they don’t want to pay for the amount of the increase.

If signed by Governor Parson, the increase is projected raise about $500 million annually, and will go to help fund Missouri’s infrastructure like roads and bridges.

Missouri’s current fuel tax is 17 cents per gallon, and has not been increased since 1996. In 2002, 2014, and 2018, a fuel tax proposal was put on Missouri ballots, but voters opposed the initiatives.

The bill goes to Governor Parson’s desk for consideration. Parson has recently voiced his support of increasing funding for Missouri’s infrastructure.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story