Police Nab Neighborhood Prowler

Kearney police officers stopped a prowler in the Hills of Westwood subdivision in the early morning hours of Wednesday, November 17.

A man was observed on several neighborhood security cameras walking through yards, on driveways, and next to vehicles at about 3:15 am. The man was wearing shorts and a hoodie with a backpack on his back. 

In one homeowner’s video, the man can be seen walking from a driveway and standing next to the driver’s side of a vehicle parked on the street. After a few seconds he crossed the street and stood between two vehicles in a driveway. When the driveway light turned on, the man walked away from the vehicles. Minutes later a Kearney Police vehicle is seen driving in the same direction the man walked.

Officers Westerfield and Hager were able to find the man and detained him for questioning. He is a 24 year-old white male from Independence. Police cannot tie him into the other numerous cases of vehicle break-ins or thefts that have occurred in the area since Halloween.

The officers issued the man a summons for trespassing and released him. The incident will go to detectives for further investigation as well as the prosecutor for review.

The Kearney Police Department reminds residents to be proactive with their security. If your vehicles can’t be stored in a locked garage, make sure they are locked. Don’t leave valuables, money, garage door openers, or handguns in vehicles parked outside a locked garage. 

A small investment in motion sensor lights and cameras can deter criminal activity like property damage and vehicle theft. Consider installing lights in poorly lit areas around your home, and cameras near doors and driveways.

Get in the habit of doing a nightly routine to check your vehicle locks, garage doors, and doors to your home to make sure they are all secured.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story