Detective impersonator scamming sex offenders

A scammer is calling registered sex offenders in Clay County claiming to be a Clay County Sheriff’s Office detective. 

The Sheriff’s Office’s Sex Offender Registration and Enforcement Unit has received multiple calls from sex offenders who reported a man called them saying they needed to come to the Sheriff’s Office because “their DNA got mixed up.” The scammer gave the actual address of the Sheriff’s Office, 12 S. Water St., Liberty, Mo. 

When the real detectives called the number provided, an automated message said it was the Clay County Sheriff’s Office and offered a realistic-sounding phone tree. A detective left a message for the “Sex Offender Unit” in the phone tree, posing as a sex offender. He received a call back the next day from a scammer claiming to be a CCSO detective. The scammer told the real detective that his DNA was mixed up. The fake detective further said he was “handling a federal matter.” 

The scammer sometimes asks for money. He also wants offenders to go to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office, perhaps to inconvenience them or CCSO staff. When confronted with his lie, the scammer became verbally aggressive. 

An investigation into officer impersonation is underway. 

Registered sex offenders who have questions can call the real CCSO Sex Offender Registration and Enforcement Unit at 816-407-3720. The Clay County Sheriff’s Office monitors more than 420 sex offenders.

KPGZ News - Information provided by Clay County Sheriff’s Office