Support Rally for Leonard Hunt

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A prayer and support rally was held for Leonard Hunt and his family on Thursday, January 7, at the parking lot of First Missouri Bank in Kearney. Hunt has been a Kearney resident for over 30 years, but was hospitalized on December 25, after being diagnosed with COVID-19. Family members asked residents to participate in the rally to show him the support from the community.

The support rally was organized as a drive-by prayer and support parade. Approximately 250 cars arrived with lights on, honking and waving to show support, stopping at the bank exit to offer thoughts and prayers to the family. The parade was recorded and sent to him at the hospital.

People in the community including Mayor Randy Pogue, current school board members, teachers, and friends of the family have been sending videos and photos of them going by the hospital to show their support. Participants can still show support for Hunt by posting a picture or video message to social media with the hashtag #Pray4LeonardTheLionheart.

Hunt was diagnosed with COVID-19 on December 23, and has been under hospital care since December 25. Leonard’s son Matthew is a former Kearney School Board member and organized the event.

“You have no idea what this means to me,” said Matthew Hunt. “I can’t wait to share this with him.”

KPGZ News – Brian Watts contributed to this story