Thompson Appointed as Presiding Commissioner Pro-Tem

On January 28, Commissioner Megan Thompson was appointed Presiding Commissioner pro-tem. Presiding Commissioner Jerry Nolte made the announcement on his Facebook page and shared that information with Clay County citizens through Clay County social media groups.

Presiding Commissioner pro-tem Megan Thompson

Presiding Commissioner pro-tem Megan Thompson

The pro-tem position is a position under the new constitution which assumes the duties of the Presiding Commissioner in his absence. Commissioner Thompson will serve as pro-tem for the remainder of 2021.

Nolte will appoint Commissioner Jon Carpenter to serve as pro-tem for calendar year 2022.

“As your Presiding Commissioner, I am happy to report continuing progress on this new and positive chapter in Clay County,” said Nolte.

The newly inaugurated commission has developed a great working relationship together, and citizens have seen the commission move in a positive direction with a recently balanced budget that will massively reduce costs to law firms and other out-of-house entities.

The budget team has been able to significantly improve pay structures and funding in the County Sheriff’s Office, as well as restore funding to essential departments such as the Auditor and Clerk’s Offices. The County will also be able to continue funding of CERF and LAGERS enhanced pension programs at no cost to employees.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story