Up to 90% Who Tested ‘Positive’ for COVID-19 Wrongly Diagnosed
/It has been revealed that the standard tests being used in the US to diagnose Covid-19 cases are far too sensitive, with the vast majority of people marked down as being positive actually turning out to be negative.
Only a fraction of the daily “cases” being reported need treatment and to separate themselves from others
Top US virologists have been stunned by revelations about the laxity of the US Covid testing regimen. It turns out that tests that deliver a simple binary “positive or negative” result are not fit for purpose, as they tell us nothing about the contagiousness of each person.
The most widely used diagnostic test for COVID-19, called a PCR test, provides a simple yes-no answer to the question of whether a patient is infected. But, a yes-no result isn’t really useful. It’s the amount of virus that should dictate the next steps for a patient infected with COVID-19.
The PCR test amplifies genetic matter from the virus in cycles; the fewer cycles required, the greater the amount of virus, or viral load, in the sample. The greater the viral load, the more likely the patient is to be contagious. This cycle threshold is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients, although it could tell them how infectious the patients actually are.
Data from three US states – New York, Nevada and Massachusetts – shows that when the amount of the virus found in a person is taken into account, up to 90 percent of people who have tested positive should actually have been negative, as they are carrying only tiny amounts of the virus, are not contagious, pose no risk to others, and have no need to isolate.
On Thursday, the United States recorded 42,973 new coronavirus cases, according to a CDC database. If the rates of contagiousness in Massachusetts and New York were to apply nationwide, then perhaps only 4,300 of those people may actually need to isolate and submit to contact tracing.
This means that only a fraction of the daily “cases” being reported so hysterically in the mainstream media are actual, bona fide Covid-19 sufferers, and need treatment and to separate themselves from others.
The scale of the pandemic ‘problem’ is clearly much smaller than we have been led to believe – about a tenth of what all the politicians and media have been using to justify the lockdowns, the quarantines, the mass testing. Some may be shocked that the scale of the problem is so much smaller than assumed. The truth is, there is a consistent decline in the acceptance of the data, and the FDA has only now been forced to concede that they have no idea how different testing companies determine which the positive and negative tests are: they just accept whatever data they are given.
KPGZ News - Story compiled with information from CDC and FDA Data, New York Times Review Data and Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in London who graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics