Let’s Just Play the Game and Get on with Our Lives

A Commentary by Mike Davis

About the same time we were celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs’ first Super Bowl victory in 50 years, a frightening virus descended upon our nation and the world. We did our best to understand its origins and potential impact through media soundbites, irresponsible journalists and opportunistic politicians who leveraged the population’s fear and confusion into a nationwide shutdown.

A smattering of about 17,000 masked-up fans easily social distanced in the over 77,000 capacity stadium

A smattering of about 17,000 masked-up fans easily social distanced in the over 77,000 capacity stadium

We stopped going to work and we stopped going to school. Businesses were shuttered, churches were closed, and we all “masked up” at the behest of local mayors, county health directors and state governors.

America’s economy and our personal freedom has been compromised by a campaign of misinformation and disinformation as we learn only recently, the virus wasn’t as deadly as predicted. And in fact, virus death counts were not only inflated by other underlying medical conditions, but positive test results were shown to be largely inaccurate due to inconsistent and sloppy testing standards.

Fast forward to the NFL’s first game of the 2020 season – a highly anticipated home opener at storied Arrowhead Stadium – the home of the World Champion Kansas City Chiefs. A smattering of about 17,000 masked-up fans easily social distanced in the over 77,000 capacity stadium. There was no B-2 stealth bomber flyover from Whiteman Air Force Base. No military honor guard. No football field-sized American flag.

The NFL 2020 season opener was a gaudy, glittery display of social justice innuendo by owners, executives, kneeling players and sponsors of a professional sports industry whose sole purpose is to put an entertaining football contest in front of the very fans who pay for the tickets, licensed apparel and over-priced beer and hot dogs at the stadium. The game itself, was sadly incidental to the overarching political statement perpetrated against a fan base who simply wanted to watch their hometown football team play a game.

Americans have an opportunity. Now, more than ever in our lifetime, our freedom is slipping away. We can take it back by refusing the group-think mentality and media cancel-culture that threatens us to not only behave a certain way, but think a certain way or be ostracized, ridiculed or even fired from our job.

As Americans, it is our birthright to stand freely for the values and lifestyles we believe in – not as members of a political party, social justice organization or some fringe element – but as free, independent thinkers who celebrate our differences and are united in our liberty.

The views expressed in this editorial are the personal opinion of Mike Davis and do not necessarily represent the opinions of KPGZ, 102.7FM, its employees, or sponsors.