Official Clay County Election Results Published

Following the August 4th primary, which was marred by problems with tabulation machines that malfunctioned in some precincts around the county, the Clay County Board of Election Commissioners released official primary election results on August 7th following a ballot recount.

Primary election results were released on August 7th following a ballot recount

Primary election results were released on August 7th following a ballot recount

Jon Carpenter, Democratic candidate for Western Commissioner, observed discrepancies in Tuesday’s election returns where he received zero votes in several precincts. He then contacted the Election Board Wednesday morning and as a result, a recount of all ballots was initiated on Thursday, August 6th.

Following the recount, the official primary election nominees for Clay County offices were released:

Eastern Commissioner:

  • Megan Thompson – R

  • Dustin Bell – D

Western Commissioner:

  • Lydia McEvoy – R

  • Jon Carpenter – D

Clay County Sheriff:

  • Will Akin – R

  • Wick Pickard – D

County Assessor:

  • Tracy Baldwin – R

  • Bruce Cantwell – D

County Treasurer:

  • Bob Nance – R

Public Administrator:

  • Sarah Mills Rottgers – R

  • Jeremy Eden – D

All official candidates for national, state and local races can be viewed here.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story