Kearney Graduate Develops Coronavirus Symptoms

The Kearney School District issued a letter to parents and students on July 29th, announcing a student who attended the 7:00 p.m. commencement ceremony on July 25 has tested positive for COVID-19.

The letter stated that “KSD took many precautions in order to hold an in-person graduation ceremony to celebrate our 2020 graduates. Our plan for graduation was approved by the Clay County Public Health Center (CCPHC) and included dividing the graduating class into two ceremonies, limiting attendance to two guests per graduate, requiring students and attendees to wear masks, and implementing physical distancing protocols.”

The school districts hoped that by taking these precautions they would have prevented the spread of additional cases.


The letter goes on to explain that graduates waited for the ceremony to begin in two separate groups in the locker rooms. The student who tested positive was grouped with 75 other students in the softball locker room which is located on the south side of the building. The letter further indicated, “The student who tested positive did not experience symptoms until Monday and immediately sought testing.”

A “School Exposure”, as defined by Clay County Public Health Center, takes place when a person positive for COVID-19 has been in the school setting two days prior to the onset of symptoms.

Clay County Public Health Center will conduct a “close contact” investigation, and individuals that are determined to be close contacts will be called by the health department. CCPHC recommends anyone experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 to meet with your personal health care provider.

KPGZ News - Brian Watts contributed to this story.