Chamber of Commerce Develops Kearney Business Map

The Kearney Chamber of Commerce has published a business map of the city. The map has been requested by businesses in town for several years as a tool for residents and visitors alike to locate local businesses.


The map is free to the public, full color and is available in print and on-line formats. It can be downloaded from the Chamber website, or at the Chamber office at 455 Sam Barr Drive, Suite 103. Businesses may request multiple maps to distribute by contacting Stacie Bratcher at

Chamber of Commerce President and Board of Aldermen member Gerri Spencer praised the business map at the October 19 Aldermen meeting. “I think it’s a wonderful marketing, tourism, relocation tool for our city.”

The map lists and plots out all the business that are members of the Chamber of Commerce. Members who are located outside the city limits are listed as well. Also included on the map are Kearney Schools, parks, and recreation areas.

KPGZ News – Brian Watts contributed to this story